
About us

Hello! We are so glad you have taken time out of your busy schedule to visit our blog! We wanted to take this opportunity to share a bit about ourselves. Dwane and I were high school sweethearts, we dated for 8 years and then got married.  We have been together longer than we have been apart.  We have two beautiful daughters that God has blessed us with, Mallory (12 yrs.) and Arleigh (8 yrs.). They are a different as daylight and dark. There is never a dull moment at our house.  I am sure I will be sharing many stories of them through this blog (sorry girls!). We are so excited about this adoption journey we are on and are excited that you have decided to join us! Here is a picture of our girls. I do not have a recent one of me and Dwane, but they take a much better picture than we do anyways!